42 events found.
Latest Past Events
Mesa Verde Luminaria
Mesa Verde Nat'l ParkMesa Verde National Park Luminaria Holiday Open House Once again, Mesa Verde National Park offers a special winter celebration at its ancient cliff dwellings. Luminarias – small paper lanterns – will glow along the pathways throughout the headquarters area, a National Historic Landmark District, and along the trail to Spruce Tree House. There will be music and food to round out ...
High School Choir Performance
Montezuma-Cortez High School 418 Slingo St., CortezMontezuma/Cortez High School Choir Performance
Tree Lighting
Cortez Cultural Center 25 N Market St, CortezParade of Lights and Tree Lighting This event is hosted by the Cortez Cultural Center and includes live music, kid’s crafts, a tree auction and the official tree lighting ceremony. The event is free.